Ben Miller’s Ideal Learning Environment
Ben Miller would benefit from an open learning environment as he isn’t seeking to acquire a degree from a specialized program but is instead looking to improve his computer literacy as well as learn basic management ideologies for his future business. This type of environment would empower Ben as he would have full autonomy over his level of engagement within the course/community as well as choice of subject matter. There are various business and management courses available online for free where he can develop key managerial skills required to efficiently run and manage a successful business. Similar courses can be found in an open learning environment for enhancing computer literacy with softwares such as the Microsoft 365 suite. This would be beneficial for Ben as these courses will demonstrate how to effectively integrate tools such as Excel, Word, Sharepoint, Planner and Teams into future business practices. As there is no time constraint regarding these online classes Ben is free to learn at his own pace and isn’t pressured to find time in his already busy schedule as a working class man and a father of two.
Potential Barriers and Challenges
Some barriers and challenges Ben may face in an open learning environment may consist of finding time in his busy schedule to focus on course work, frustration regarding use of technology, ineffective feedback or lack of study materials. Ben has to work full time on a construction company, so it’s possible that his working hours would contradict with the course schedule. If that’s the case, he can only watch the recorded version after work, and as a result, he can’t interact with the instructor and peers in real time. Moreover, he needs to take care of his children(spend time with them, tuck them in at night etc..), so Ben’s free time is quite limited. Also, because most of his work is physical, much energy would be taken from him after a day at work, and he may not be able to fully participate or concentrate during the class. If a course needs specific software to assist learning, Ben needs a step by step instruction to teach him how to use them. Additional stresses from family or covid-related issues may also cause distress and lack of motivation.
Equity, Social Justice and Cultural Considerations Preventing a Safe, Flexible and Supportive Learning Environment
Our group believes that there aren’t many equity, social justice and cultural considerations that prevent Ben from achieving a safe, flexible and supportive learning experience/environment. However, one major concern, the Covid-19 pandemic, may hinder Ben’s learning experience in a variety of unprecedented ways if his family is infected or if restrictions are placed on Ben, his work, or his city. Financial issues may arise but as he is taking his courses in an online learning environment the impact on his education can be mitigated as he can reschedule study periods or continue his progress in courses at a later date. We believe that Ben is motivated enough to achieve his goals and overcome any challenges/barriers that may be found in an online learning environment.